In this brief interview, we get to know our new team member, Chelsea Allen! Keep reading to learn more about Chelsea.


Q: How has your time with the Carrie Lingo Team been so far? Have you already had any notable experiences?

My time with the Carrie Lingo Team has been immeasurable. The team is fast-paced, knowledgeable, and extensively detail-oriented. They have taught me years of experience within a few months of being on the team.

Q. How did you know the Carrie Lingo Team was the right fit for you?

I knew the Carrie Lingo Team was the perfect fit as they are fully a team. They care about one another just as much as they love and care about their clients. They are all unique, driven, and deeply knowledgeable about everything they do. I am honored to work with each of them.

Q. How do you think the Carrie Lingo Team differs from other real estate teams?

See above!

Q: When did you know you wanted to work in the real estate industry? Is this your first real estate experience, or have you previously worked in the industry?

I knew I wanted to be part of the community as well as work with people. This is my first real estate experience. My background, however, is based on negotiations and working in a fast-paced environment.

Q. Where did you go to college?

The University of Delaware.

Q. What is your favorite activity when outside of the office?

Reading on the beach, chasing sunsets on Rehoboth Bay, picking crabs, and any fun workout class.

Q. If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why would you go there?

Anywhere in Europe, as I love all the ancient history and art. I would also like to go back to Abruzzo, Italy, where my family is from.

Q. Who is your personal hero or role model?

I have always loved Wilma Rudolph. She overcame so many obstacles at a young age and persevered to truly become an American hero.

Q: What is your favorite quote?

"Never, never, never give up." Winston Churchill


Welcome to the team, Chelsea! We can't wait to see the wonderful things you accomplish in your real estate career!

Contact Chelsea at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 302-382-6090 (cell)!